The nature
Next to Ängdala Camping is the nature reserve "Haväng och Vitemölla strandbackar" and Klammersbäck runs through the campsite!
Haväng och Vitemölla strandbackar | Länsstyrelsen Skåne (lansstyrelsen.se)
If you want to follow us and our journey, you can find us on social media:
Instagram: angdalacamping
Facebook: angdalacamping
Next to the campsite is the beautiful nature reserve "Haväng och Vitemölla strandbackar" which leads down to the sea! In the surrounding area, cows graze and Klammersbäck flows through the area! In the middle of all this you live!
Next to Ängdala Camping is the nature reserve "Haväng och Vitemölla strandbackar" and Klammersbäck runs through the campsite!
Haväng och Vitemölla strandbackar | Länsstyrelsen Skåne (lansstyrelsen.se)
About 2km from the campsite is the sea! Perhaps Österlen's most untouched beach and quite possibly also the most beautiful! You can walk, cycle or take the car there!
The campsite is in the "countryside"! The cows and horses graze outside the knot and Österlen's undulating landscape invites you to walks, bike rides and relaxation!
Ängdala Camping in Österlen has now also got Icelandic horses for the campsite!
In collaboration with Österlen's Tölthästar, we will offer booked tours starting from the campsite! The tours will take place in a fantastic environment with, among other things, sea trips! Read more at the link below!
Ps. the horses graze around the camp site Ds